Saturday, July 20, 2013

Windows and doors

The windows and doors are necessary elements in every house. They are inserted in the final stages of construction of the house, when the same walls and roof already exist. It would seem that the choice of doors and windows is a very complicated matter, but not everyone is aware of the fact, as many of these types of structural components in the industry.
Deciding on a specific window, we need to know not only about what will be their number and size, but also choose the shape and type of window. All parameters should be matched to any room. We have to take into account that the use of different rooms in different ways and some daylight coming through the windows will have a greater significance, and others less.

The windows several types

The windows can be divided into several types, taking into account for by the type of construction. So we have a window loom, lock, composite and Single-window. Window loom characterized in that it consists of the entire perimeter of a single element having a rectangular cross section. Is set in a window opening in such a way that its long side is perpendicular to the wall.
It is worth noting that these windows are usually single glass and are used for basements and attics. They have a low thermal and acoustic insulation.
Windows, as the name suggests, are made up of frame, which is mounted on a double wing window. One of the wings is open on the outside, and the other to the interior. Most windows can be found in rural construction.
The windows have a sash lock comprising a frame and a loom, to which are attached a double sash opening into the room.
Double glazing, a Swedish have a double wing, which is connected by bolts. At the moment they are the most commonly used type of windows in residential construction in Poland.
Single-frame window and have a single sash, made of three layers of wood glued together. Fiber system effectively prevents warping of the structure.
Another classification, based on the type of material from which they are made windows, stands, wooden and PVC windows. PVC windows are made of plastic and are characterized by high thermal insulation. These are sealed windows, which are impermeable to air, in any direction. I always look the same and are resistant to the harmful effects of weathering.
You do not need to paint them, they are light, but the great cold frame can easily crack. On the other hand, wooden windows facilitate the filtration of air, are natural, but at the same time it must be from time to time to paint. Windows of this type are heavy and can warp hinge. They are also more expensive than PVC windows.
As regards the selection of the door, must decide on both the type of door - external as well as the purchase of the corresponding inner door, the various spaces in the house.
Good exterior doors
Good exterior doors should be sound, resistant to weather, have good thermal insulation and at the same time - provide a solid firewall to the thief. Design, color and size of the door should be adjusted to the architecture of our house. You should know that in general dimensions of external doors are regulated by law.
They must have at least 90 inches wide and at least 200 cm in height. Buying the door we need to know whether they will be open to the outside or the inside.
There are many types of doors, taking into account the material of which they are constructed. We wooden leaves made of a cured PVC, fiberglass, steel and aluminum. Exterior doors may or may not need to have glazing. If you have them, they are made from double glazing, triple or complex, which may be anti-theft and anti-fire.
It is important to have a good external door insulation that does not penetrate into the house no outside noise nor cold and moisture. The door can be classified into three classes of immune system - A, B, and C. The first two are only increased resistance to burglary and class C defines a security door. To ensure the maximum level of security you need to choose a solid external door locks.
In addition to exterior doors in your home are installed doors to individual rooms. There is a very wide range of these doors, because of the huge selection of materials, designs and colors. Generally, the doors can be divided into four groups: the door hung (traditional, suitable for any interior, one, two) double doors (open on two sides), folding door (accordion-like screen) and sliding ( have one or two sliding side rail).
Exterior doors can be made of wood (solid or laminated), from wood (smooth or embossed chipboard or fibreboard - regular, MDF and HDF), and made of glass.
Given doors which stands out door plate construction (made from a single plate) or a paneled door (consisting of a frame and it is filled with so-called. Panels).
Author: bathtub reglazing & Maids


  1. Normally vinyl windows are in demand by most of the homeowners as on the basis of their energy efficiency through which Vinyl Windows Aurora can be easily the best product for saving the day by day increasing energy expenses.

  2. You are right. Choosing doors and windows are really a very tricky task for a home. They should be strong, weather resistant and beautiful also. In my opinion choosing wooden door is a good option because a wooden door can fulfill all these requirements.

  3. The tips you have shared are good, but the implementation of all these requires expertise, which you can get via architects, So, in my opinion its a very intelligent step to get the architects involved in your renovation project. Try to get suggestions and help from expert architects. I know one, If you want to take help then go ahead.
